- We have been friends since 2004 and never fought once.. We love eachother no matter what! but sometimes he look at me with a dissapointed face if I do something that ain't right.
- We have been through good times and bad times together. Advice each other and we5 always have eachothers back.
Ok! Back to the present! Sleepover! When I got there, I greeted em' all then when down to the pool. Our friends were there. It was about 9pm at the time. Some were swimming and running around. Amirul and I just sat and talk to our friends. By 10pm everyone was getting ready to go back home.. So after a few jokes and laughs, Amirul and I went back to the house. Soon after, his mother came back and brought 4 plastic bags full of raw meat from the Mosque since "Hari Raya Korban" just passed. So we were assigned to separate the fat and the meat! :D
AT LEAST WE WEREN'T BORED!! Pictures are here(sorry, my camera ain't good a.t.m.):-

The Heart.. I put my thumb through one of the arteries. =9

All The Fat! o.o

I think I was tearing a piece of meat into two.. The Hulk Moment!! >:O

Muscle? :D

After that, We cooked french fries for supper. Then Amirul's mom was kind enough too treat us all McDonalds for the second supper. ♥
At least now you know where all my fat is coming from!! o.o
I slept at 2:30 while Amirul didn't sleep at all. He was on my computer all night long. Pity him, b'cuz he doesn't get to use a computer that often. =(
Next morning I woke up at 11am and by 1:30pm my Mom picked me up. Amirul cooked steaks using the meat, so he gave me 2 pieces. I ate em' as I waited for my Mom..
After she picked me up, we drove to the house in Shah Alam called Monterez. It was my first time. It was BIG! It was a Bungalow House with alot of trees around it.. since it was a golf club. =3
I was bored so i started a campfire. I walked around to look for wood, and the first try, I had it started with no problem!! Thank You Scouting!!
Then my clothes smelt like campfires smoke! IT WAS AWESOME. After that, I cleaned up and watched Cougar Town and How I Met Your Mother with my mom. While I was playing with the fire, my mom was watching Eat Pray Love.
Our neighbour had a dog!! It was sooo FRIENDLY!! ♥ But my mom said it was very mischevious when women are around.. ;D
hehehe.. Here are a few pics!!

That is all FOLKs!! thanks again for reading..
Signing out.