Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Okay Hold up.... Recap (December 7-15)

Wow.. it has been so eventful that I couldn't find the time to update this! For that, Sorry! :3

okey, here is a summary of things I have done during the end of 2010! Owh.. Happy New Year to each and everyone of my families, teachers, friends and foes(If I Have Any)!

1. Singapore Trip (7/12/10-11/12/10)
- Vivo City shopping, bought me a good booming speaker. 2.1 Altec Lansing for a price of S$199.00.
- A must for everyone, UNIVERSAL STUDIOS SINGAPORE. It seems everyone of my friends who visited Singapore during the holidays went there. I'm glad I did and i bet that everyone would agree when I say, The Mummy Ride was THE BEST!! can't wait till they open the battlestars galactica rollercoaster. That will be EPIC!.

2. My Birthday Party (14/12/10-15/12/10)
- Now this, honestly, I didn't have much time to completely plan but it was VERY VERY FUN! One of my friends which attended mentioned "Nick! Thanks for inviting me and you were right, I would of regret if I were to not attend!" That really got me, to know that in the end everyone had a good time and I left something more then a smile on their faces, but a memory for them too keep as long as they wish.
- We didn't have food so my bestfriend Iswar chipped in and payed for half of the food.. We had Pizza, a Large cake and BBQ.
- It was beside a pool so, as a tradition, The birthday boy gets pushed/thrown into the pool. Talking about traditions, Iswar brought eggs and flour. Thus, the Human Birthday Cake project began. They started throwing everything they had at me. Who knew, eggs hurt like rocks.
- Since I was responsible for their safety, They could sleepover if they chose. So the speeover-ers helped me clean the place up. By the time we all slept it was 7am. We had only about 3 hours of sleep. Everyone went back safely.