You see, I was going to my friends Deepavali Open House. It was more like a Pool Party, so it was the sun, (no sand), and water. With deepavali open house, comes great food. The smell of Briyani rice steaming hot, with the Chapati and Chicken/Fish Curry! ♥ Delicious. We sat to chat and let the food go down for awhile. The Host (Suresh) was really pushing people to enter the swimming pool. Haha! Everyone was lazy. Took him awhile to get 5 people in!
After the party, Zul, Ming Yun and I were on our way back.. We decided to take the LRT to Masjid Jamek. We were saying our goodbyes before entering the train station when suddenly this cat came up to us and started purring on my friends foot. We gave it a pet or two then moved away. It kept on following us without fail. So we decided to divide ourselves to see who it is following. We were all amazed at how intellegent the cat was. It knew exactly who it wants at kept following no matter how fast he ran.
Then when we were about to go through the ticket place, some other people started petting it. So we left it there...
We got up the escalator and waited for the train. After 3-5 mins we heard loud "MEOW!" like a cat was calling for help. Immediately we ran to the escalator to check it out! It Followed us all the way without seeing where we went! BAD NEWS! One of its finger on its left paw was stuck between the holes of the escalator.
Quickly i tried jerking it out but it didn't help. My friend pressed the STOP button and my other friend called the security. The official reversed the escalator to let the cat free. Everyone there was watching and weren't helping. They left as soon as the train arrived. We missed 2 trains because we felt responsible for the cat.
So I brought it back home, to my grandmas house. It immediately thought itself to eat and drink, but the first day it was in shock so eat didn't want to eat/drink or move. That night itself My uncle and auntie brought me to the vet. The doctor told us that it'll be fine. If i were to adopt it. They will perform surgery on its foot. On of its finger was torn badly. If you lift it up, you could see its bone. The other finger was badly injured. The vet bandaged the foot and we went back home..
The cat kept shaking the bandage off. So know its like a ducks foot! haha but it is getting healthier and happier. I had to tuck it in every night though!! ♥ Hahaha One day this will all pay off! :D