Ooo Ouch!! Yea. Since Friday (12/11/10) till Sunday (14/11/10) I attended the ESG Pioneering Camp.
We, the seniors aka Form3s and Form4s, had to build a Bakau Structure. An A-tent at the top, here are a few pics.[Damn I Look Good in These pictures!] During the camp:
Removing the Canvas before it rains/to save it from being stolen from the drug addicts
YES! There are drug addicts between the trees in the forest behind us.

All in all, it was pretty successful eventhough many had to go back home due to some other occasion, but, as responsible as I am. I stayed till the end and bonded with the juniors. The last night of the camp, we played truth or dare. That was LOADS of fun!! Everyone enjoyed themselves and weren't ashamed to be a scout. ♥
Signing out.